Mind Embodi is a platform created with the aim to raise collective consciousness through conversation about common experiences often kept in the dark.
When it comes to mental, physical, and emotional challenges surrounding fertility, childbirth, parenting, and everything in between we are conditioned to treat these conversations like salary information, no one wants to share what is actually going on. Why? I believe largely societal pressures of keeping everything looking "neatly packaged with a bow" from the outside. I blame social media for most of it. And previous generations for the rest of it... mainly the pervasive importance of maintaining a "Reputation".
But by remaining in this state, we allow ourselves and others to continue suffering in silence. Internalizing traumatic experiences and just sort of... living with them. In reality, these experiences and silent thoughts do impede us in our everyday life, in the way we show up for our friends, family, and most importantly - ourselves. Plainly speaking, we are masking our true sense of wellbeing.
The "We Should Talk More" (WSTM) podcast features guests sharing personal stories of their own difficult, isolating, and confusing experiences.​
We believe that by sharing these intimate experiences, we give ourselves a space to breath, to release, and to provide others with an opportunity to see they are not alone...